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Questions – agriculture

What are the correct type and variety choices?

Sward of short term field crops is significantly simplified, as it comprises just a few intensive types, usually 2-3. It is also recommended to compose mixtures based on a few different varieties of the same type.

The primary goal of selecting grass types and varieties for cultivation is maximising crops. Apart from fertility the varieties should exhibit good tillering, quick regrowth after cutting, large nutritional value, significant resistance to adverse weather conditions and diseases (blight, powdery mildew, spots).

The most valuable types for field cultivation, in terms of the size of crops and their fodder value, with UVN = 10 (UVN – utility value number in a scale of 1 – 10 taking into account the complex of characteristics associated with forage usability) are ryegrasses (Italian, English, Westerwolths, Oldenburg), meadow fescue, timothy-grass and festulolium. These types have significant requirements as to the soil.

They thrive on fertile and moist soils. Grasses which are less demanding but do not return such high nutritional values are orchard grass (UVN=9), tall oat-grass (UVN=9), rescue bromegrass (UNV=8) and tall fescue (UVN=6). These can be cultivated on medium and lighter soils and in areas with less precipitation.

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